
(Updated on November 17th 2022)

SAS Domaine de la Dombes – Chemin de Verfey 01240 Saint Paul de Varax – 0474303232


Those General terms and conditions of sale are accessible at any time on Internet www.domainedeladombes.com; they can be updated, the version to take into account is the one available at the time of your Purchase.

In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the datas saved on the computing system of the Provider constitue the proof of the ensemble of the concluded transactions between the Customer and the Provider.

In the conditions defined by the Computing law and freedom and the European regulation on data protection,the Customer has the right at any time to access, rectify and oppose himself if the treatment is not indispensable to the execution of the order and of the stay as well as their consequences

The Customer declares acknowledging the present General terms and contions of sale and accepting them either:

  • During the online booking by ticking the box provided for this purpose
  • During the validation of the booking option recerived by email with the sending of a payment


The price applicable to the stay is the price in effect at the time of the booking, subject to availability. The prices are expressed in Euros including taxes.

The prices are variable depending on the period (low or high season), on potential discounts, occasional promotions or offered services that will be consented by the Provider and mentioned on the website or any information or communication support during the defined period. The promotions are not applicable retroactively to bookings already made.

An estimate corresponds to a pricing demand, it cannot be considered as an effective booking. The booking will be effective from the reception of a payment.


The tourist tax, collected for the account of the public purse is not included in the price. Its amount is fixed by the miunicipality communities Centre-Dombes, it amounts to 0.51€ per major person (+18 years old) and per night. It is to pay with the payment of the SERVICE and figures distinctively on the bill.


The eco participation is not included in the price. It corresponds to the waste fee and participation to the selective sorting. Its amount is fixed by the Domaine de la Dombes, it amounts to 0.49€ per participant. It is to pay with the payment of the SERVICE and figures distinctively on the bill.


The payment methods accepted are: Check to the Domaine de la Dombes (french accounts only), Cash, Chèque Vacances, Check Cabane de France or Credit card: Eurocard, Mastercard, Visa


The offers are valid for a provided period by the establishment at the time of the purchase, the validity period strats at the date of the purchase and not at the date of the booking on the website.
The booking and the dates of the stay must be done during the validity period of the offer.
The establishment is, in no way, responsible for the booking of the services.
The establishment gives itself the right to set the disponibility dates of the services. Those ones are available for consultation during the booking.
In the case in which this validity period is exceedeed, the offer is not refundable and will be considered as acquired by the establishment.

The establishment gives itself the right to apply an extension to the coupon, for one more year, for the price of 20 euros, if the mentioned validity date is exceedeed; the date being the one from the client’s stay, not the one from the booking of the service.


An option can be set by the Client for a deadline of 8 days, without the confirmation of the Client it will be canceled by the Provider.

A booking is considered effective after the mailing from the Provider to the Client of the confirmation email and the reception of the payment of everything or of a part.

Any Order constitute the formation of a contract concluded remotely between the Client and the Provider. The responsability of checking the exactitude of the Order and report immediately to the Provider any mistake belongs to the Client.


When a booking is made online, by email or by telephone, the Cancellation Insurance offer will be sugegsted by the Provider to the Customer. This one must be suscribed by the Customer in the 48 hours following the booking, it corresponds to 10% of the global price of the stay.

The Cancellation Insurance gives right to a REFUND or a CREDIT in the following cases:

  • COVID 19 (positive test or in contact with someone positive)
  • Other medical reasons (health state not allowing you to move or go in holidays)
  • Professionnal reasons
  • Personal reasons

Further details:

  • More than 8 days before your stay, you can choose between : the REIMBURSEMENT of the stay (except for the cost of the Cancellation Insurance) or a CREDIT for a calendar year (except for the cost of the Cancellation Insurance).
  • Less than 8 days before your stay, get a CREDIT of the amounts paid, valid for a calendar year (except for the cost of the Cancellation Insurance).

Any cancellation request by the Customer must be made in writing by precising the customer reference and the reason. No request by telephone will be receivable.

In the lack of a Cancellation Insurance subscription, the reasons mentioned earlier cannot justify a cancellation of the stay ; refer to the article 7.1 (see the general terms BOOKING CANCELLATION).



  • For any stay taking place with more than a month. An amount of a 30% deposit is required by the Provider to the Customer to validate the booking request (+ amount of the cancellation insurance if subscribed). The balance of the stay must be entirely paid at least 30 days before the arrival date (under penalty of cancellation of the booking).
  • For any stay taking place within less than a month. The payment of the entirety is directly asked by the Provider to the Customer (+ amount of the cancellation insurance if subscribed).


In case of a non-compliance of the payment conditions, the Customer will receive by the Provider a reminder and a cancellation warning. Without an answer from the Customer within 24 hours, the Provider reserves the right, to suspend or cancel the supply of the Services ordered and/or to suspend the execution of its obligations.



A modification of the name and the number of participants is tolerated by the Provider at any time FREE OF CHARGE.

A modification of the date and/or the type of accommodation is tolerated by the Provider within 48 hours following the date of the booking, FREE OF JUSTIFICATION & CHARGE.

A modification of the date and of the stay is tolerated up to 30 days before the stay and SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY. A new reservation IN THE FOLLOWING 6 MONTHS (outside of closing period) must be immediatly concluded between the Customer and the Provider. MODIFICATION FEES up to 5% of the stay will be invoiced (except from annexe services).

Any cancellation request by the Customer must be made in writing by precising the customer reference and the reason. No request by telephone will be receivable.

No modification accepted less than 30 days before the stay (refer to article 7.1 CANCELLATION)

In case of a delayed arrival or an early departure of the Customer, no discount can be claimed on the Prestations of the stay.


The legal dispositions about the retractation right in case of a distance sale provided by the French Consumer Code are not applicable to tourist performances (article L.121-20-4 of the french consumer code). The Customer does not benefit from a retractation right.


In the case of a late arrival or an early departure as a choice of the Customer, no discount of the Annexe Services (activites / catering) will be consented.

In the case of a modification from the Customer of the number of participants on an Annexe Service (catering / activities) booked and payed in advance, as a commercial gesture, as a commercial gesture, the Provider will readjust the price and grant a CREDIT of the difference to use on the spot during the ongoing stay. No refund of the difference can be claimed.

In the case of an impossibility to practice an outdoor activity (booked and payed in advance) dependent of the weather, or a justified state of health, the Customer is required to inform the Provider 24 hours in advance. In this case, the Provider will grand the Customer a CREDIT valid for the payment of any other annexe service during the ongoing stay as well as a REFUND of the remaining potential amount on the departure day.

In the case of the cancellation of an annexe activity by the Provider, the REIMBURSEMENT of the corresponding service (if payment made in advance) or the POSTPONE of the corresponding service, deduction made of a commercial discount of 25%, would be automatically granted to the Customer. No other indemnity could be claimed.


General conditions

In the case where the Customer did not want to subscribe to the cancellation insurance during the booking.


Any cancellation request by the Customer must be made in writing by precising the customer reference and the reason. No request by telephone will be receivable.

1. Cancellation of the stay by the Customer BEFORE THE STAY:

Only the persons registered for the stay are concerned and enter those conditions:

In the case of an hospitalization, serious accident or death of an ascendant or descendant (brother or sisters, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law, mother-in-law or father-in-law, parents or grandparents), on the presentation of a documentary evidence, the Provider will allow the REIMBURSEMENT of the stay or a CREDIT valid for a calendar year.

For any cancelled stay which does not belong to the clauses mentioned above:

  • More than 30 days before the stay, 30% of the stay will be retained
  • Between 30 and 15 days before the stay, 50% of the stay will be retained
  • Between 15 and 8 days before the stay, 75% of the stay will be retained
  • Less than 8 days before the stay, the entirety of the amount will be indebted or will stay acquired by the Provider.

2. Cancellation of the stay by the Provider BEFORE THE STAY:

In case of an orange weather alert (for any accommodation considered UNSTABLE: cabins on trees and floating tents), with exterior events announced, independent of its will, violent wind, and storm, the Provider reserves the right to cancel the booking for safety reasons. In this context, the Provider will offer:

  • If the customer did not leave its home, the report of the stay to a future date, in the following 12 months.
  • If the customer left its home, the Provider will do its best to offer a re-housing in another type of accommodation, without an extra charge depending on the availability. In this case only, the Customer will be granted a discount of 50% on the next booking in the following 12 months
  • If none of those offers satisfy the Customer, the total amount of the paid sums will be refunded ; no other indemnity can be claimed.

3. Modification or cancellation of the stay by the Provider ON THE SPOT:

In case of an orange weather alert (for any accommodation considered UNSTABLE: cabins on trees and floating tents), with exterior events announced, independent of its will, violent wind, and storm, the Provider reserves the right to cancel the booking, for safety reasons. A re-housing in another type of accommodation will be offered depending on the availabilities and without extra charge, and in this case only, the Customer will be granted a discount of 50% on an equivalent next booking in the following 12 months. No other indemnity can be claimed.

If the Provider does not have a re-housing solution available, he will do his best to help the Customer find a new accommodation in the surroundings. A CREDIT in the following 12 months or a REIMBURSEMENT of the service can be granted.

In case of a temporary evacuation to the assemly points during a passing storm, no indemnity can be claimed.

4. Modification or cancellation of the stay by the Customer ON THE SPOT:

In the case of an unwillingness to access an accommodation (fear, vertigo…), the Provider will do its best to offer the Customer a re-housing according to availability (with or without extra cost depending on the price). The Provider cannot be held responsible, in case of a departure from the Customer, no compensation can be claimed.


By derogation to the provisions of article 7.1 CANCELLATION, assuming that the Customer will be forced to fully cancel the stay in case of government measures not allowing the participants to move (general or local confinement, prohibition to move, closing of boarders), OR if the Provider was forced to close its doors and in case of the prohibition to welcome public, the Customer will benefit from a CREDIT corresponding to the amounts paid. This credit, non refundable, will be valid for 18 months.



The Customer hosted on a pitch or an accommodation must be covered for civil liability.


Domestic animals are allowed in camping accommodations (meublé de tourisme, casa home) under the responsability of their masters and on a leash. Animals are forbidden in the animal area. The presence of an animal needs to be declared during the booking, the Customer must pay for this service (price depending on the period) and must have the immunization record on the spot.

Domestic animals are not allowed in LODGES


The age of the children is calculated in relation to their birthday and the date of the beginning of the stay. The access to some accommodations is forbidden to children. The price of some Services depends on the age of the children. Parents commit to give the age of their children to the Provider and remain the only responsible of their children on the spot.


It is recommended to the Customers to not bring or leave their valuable objects in their cars, accommodations, sanitaries, common areas… The Provider cannot be held responsible in case of loss or theft.


The accommodation can be occupied from 3pm on the arrival day and must be released for 11am on the departure day ; 3pm in case of a request of late check out (subject to an extra cost and under the condition that the accommodation is not booked after)

The camping pitch can be occupied from 12pm and must be released for 11am on the departure day.

The accommodations and camping pitches are planned for a determined number of persons and cannot be occupied by more persons than that.

The interior regulation is displayed and searchable on the website or at the reception. In case of non-respect, the Provider reserves the right to exclude the Client(s) concerned, no compensation can be claimed.

The Customer commits to refurbish the accommodation on the departure day (according to the explanations given and the display in the accommodationsà OR to subscribe to the cleaning package in the amount of 45€.


The Provider commits to giving a compliant accommodation in terms of hygiene and equipment.

In order to assert his rights, the Customer must inform the Provider, on the spot, of the existence of defects or flaws of conformity in a maximum delay of 24h from the day and the hour of arrival.

The Provier will take note, rectify, have someone rectify (as far as possible) or will compensate the services judged defective in the best delays following the recognition, by the Provider, of the flaw or defect. The reimbursement will be credited on the back account of the Customer or by a bank cheque adressed to the Customer.

The guarantee of the Provider is limitated to the reimbursement of the Services actually paid by the Customer. The Provider cannot be considered responsible nor defaulting for any delay or non-performance because of a case of force majeure usually recognized by the French jurisprudence.

The Services provided through the website www.domainedeladombes.com* of the Provider are complying to the regulation in effect in France.


Any claim must be addressed in writing or by post. The Provider will do its best to answer without undue delay.

All the disputes which the sale and purchase operations pursuant the present general terme and conditions of sale could lead to, about their validity, interpretation, execution, termination, consequences and suites and which could not be resolved between the Provider and the Customer will be submitted to the competent courts in the conditions of common right.

Consumer ombudsman: according to the provisions of the article L 1612-1 of the French Consumer Code, every client of the campsite is allowed to freely resort to a consumer ombudsman for the purpose of an amicable settlement for a dispute against the owner of the field. The contact details of the consumer ombudsman which the Customer can recourse to are the following: Mediation center CM2C, after a delay of 1 month following the mailing of those emails/couriers. You can fill an online file on the website www.cm2c.net or by post: CM2C – 14 rue Saint Jean 75017 PARIS – FRANCE.


The content of the website www.domainedeladombes.com is the property of the Provider and its partners and is protected by the French and international laws relative to intellectual property.

Any reproduction, broadcast, total or partial use of this content is strictly forbidden and is prone to constitue a counterfeiting offence.

Frthermore, the Provider remains the ownen of all the intellectual property laws on the pictures, presentations, studies, drawings, models, prototypes, etc., realised (even upon request of the Customer) for the purpose of the supply of Services to the Customer. The Customer bans itself from any reproduction and exploitation those drawings, models, prototypes, etc.,, without express authorization, written and prior from the Provider which can condition it to a financial consideration. It is the same with names, logos or on a wider scale any graphic representation or text belonging to the Provider or used and broadcasted by him.


Any vacationer is bound to comply to the interior regulation of the Domaine under penalty which can lead to the termination of the contract.

PEACEFUL STAY: to respect the tranquility of the site, no nocturnal animations (no noise after 10pm). The site is not well suited to the welcoming of a group (parties, birthdays, bachelorette party…) because not appropriate to our equipments and conditions of stay.

The domaine will not tolerate a state of drunkenness or violence on the site and reserves the right to exclude in those cases.

2 parking areas (pond and animal) One vehicle included by accommodation to limit the traffic, the pollution, and the noise. Traffic allowed from 7am to 7pm to respect the tranquility of the hosts.

NATURE STAY: our wish is to denature the least possible the domaine (pond area, forest, animal area). The site is very big, therefore partially enlightened by night. You can encounter some stairs, holes, ravines, tree branches, roots… not signalled. It is indispensable to move with a flashlight during the night (phone light not sufficient) and to be cautious.

ADVENTURE STAY: different types of access to the accommodations (stairs, spiral staircase, suspended walkaway, bark, net…) It is indispensable to wear adapted clothes and shoes. The weather conditions can make those access slippery, please be cautious.

The practice of those activities (treetop adventure park, mini golf, rosalie, mountain bike, fishing) is done in the respect of the safety instructions and in the good use of the material (ACCRODOMBES mandatory briefing)

ANIMAL STAY: 8 animal parks on the spot. It is allowed for the residents to walk around the parks freely. Beware of wild animals = for your own safety, do not put your hands through the fences – do not feed. The entry in the parks is forbidden. During the feeding the entry to the parks is forbidden for a safety and hygiene question. The clients can be authorized to enter the small farm or the aviary only for private visits (in attendance of the animal carer and in the respect of the safety and hygiene instructions).

AQUATIC STAY: the swimming-pool is exclusively reserved to the residents. No paying entry for a day for exterior persons. No bathing monitoring, the children are under the responsability of the parents. Bathing at night is forbidden. The spa is accessible to residents and exterior persons. Children are authorized in the jacuzzi (under the responsability of the parents), forbidden in the sauna.