
Published on 13 January 2022

Info and news about COVID

The situation is constantly evolving…

For the 2022 season the SANITARY PASS will not be asked anymore at your arrival, so that you can enjoy fully all the service of the Domaine without exception.

A decree of March 12th 2022, published on the 13th of March in the official Journal, and modifying the decree number 2021-699 from the 1st of July 2021, act the suspension of the vaccination pass and other measures linked to the gestion of the saniary crisis (requirement of mask, physical distancing, etc.).

The other shielding measures must still be followed:

– Regularly wash your hands or use hydroalcoholic gel – Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a tissue – Use single-use tissues and throw them away after use – Avoid touching your face

Escape – Huge spaces – Nature

Generally speaking, the Domaine has a main asset: its superficy! Its 30 hectares allow a perfectly fluid circulation.

We look forward to welcoming you for a reconnection with nature. Our entire team keeps its efforts concerning the hygiene and security measures in order to assure you peaceful holidays. Find out more