
Published on 22 November 2022

Dear friends, hard for us to welcome you in Winter, the weather conditions of our lovely Dombes cannot guaranty you a pleasant stay (aglaglagla…). That is why we close each year at the end of the Toussaint holidays and that we find you back at the beginning of Spring.

However, the landscapes during this period can be fantastic and even magical, at least as long as the fog decides to lift!

the Domaine & its Winter decors

winter – frozen pond – frosty vegetation – ducks ice-skating

Our team take advantage of this clothing period: to renovate the existing equipments and like each year, concoct you lot of novelties for the next season. Reopening planned on the 31st of March 2023

Winter constructions and novelties for the 2023 season

Zoom on the Winter constructions and the latest projects of Thomas, Camille and their team for more originality, infrastructures and services on the spot…

The Domaine de la Dombes, it’s numerous unusual eco-lodges, a family campsite, an animal park and plenty of outdoor activitiesWhat are we planning for 2023?

For the unusual accommodations (floating cabins, perched cabins or in the middle of the animals)

  • 1 new cabin in the luxury range with a view on the Bisons park
  • 2nd life for the Tipi des marcassins which moves out from the animal area to the treetop adventure park area: it will now welcome groups of children coming to celebrate their birthdays!
  • 1 new cabin for couples in the luxury range in front on the boars park
  • Numerous repair works are waiting for our technical team on the lodges as a whole, and that because the cabins are subject to the forces of nature and its bad weather. But it is also some embellishment projects, indoor decoration and new landscape developments.
Winter constructions – Maintenance & New arrangements

For the camping part

  • We said “Bye bye” to our last mobil’homes. Those ones were replaced by 5 extra casa homes. As cosy as a cabin and full comfort (with bathroom and kitchen). Including 2 Family with a capacity of 7 persons. A second Cas’âne, which will have the privilege to overlook the small donkeys park! Scoop: GRISETTE will soon have a brother or a sister. PTIT GRIS carries life again!
Cas’ane – Sleep in the middle of the animals – Stay at the farm

On the leisure & animals side

  • New building dedicated to wellness to offer you soon some relaxing massages during your holidays.
  • New treetop adventure park trail actually in reflection (+ info in 2023)
  • New winter shelter for the deers as well as for the mouflons

On the catering side

  • Expansion of the snack cabin. To offer our vacationers a sheltered space to eat, and our employees a more spacious working area.

With all those winter projects, the entire team will meet you back from the 31st of March 2023. Ludivine, Marine, Camille & Flavia remain at your disposal during the closing period to answer all your questions, booking requests, gift coupon purchase… by email or by phone at the +33474303232 from Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 12am and from 2pm to 6pm.